This group is being offered to individuals who have completed Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and who would like to continue to build skills and reach their “life worth living” goals.

This group was created using much of the structure and skills from DBT ACES (Accepting the Challenges of Employment and Self-Sufficiency) developed by Kate Comtois, PhD and the Harborview Medical Center DBT team.

When & Where: The group is held on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm via Zoom

A six-month commitment is required so that group members can effectively build on life worth living goals (one year commitment is strongly recommended).

Who can attend?: Individuals 18 and older who have completed standard DBT in good standing.

How do I join?: Email Jenna Melman at jennamelman@me.com to set up a screening appointment or complete the form below.